JellySQL has some limitations that you should be aware of when using it. These limitations aren't due to any technological constraints, but rather that it has not yet been implemented.
- Complex Combinators: There are cases where completely valid CSS combinator selectors may not be supported by Jelly SQL. For more information, see the combinator limitation section.
- Grouping Expressions: Only shallow grouping is supported. For more information, see the grouping expressions limitation section.
- Namespaces: Jelly SQL does not yet support namespaces as defined in the W3C specification. This is planned for a future release. For more information, see below from the W3C specification:
- Attribute-Selectors (hyphen-separated): Jelly SQL does not yet support attribute selectors with hyphen-separated values. This is planned for a future release. For more information, see below from the W3C specification:
- Sub-Queries: There are no support for sub-queries. Specifically for the
negation pseudo-class. CSS does allow simple selectors to be defined in the negation pseudo-class. However, at a core level, Jelly SQL does not yet support simple selectors to be defined in a active query. In the meantime, separate queries need to be ran and joined to allow for this on a API level. For more information, see below from the W3C specification: