📄️ Comments
Comments are used to document your code. They are ignored by the parser and are not executed. Comments can be used to explain what the code does, why it does it, or how it works. They are also useful to temporarily disable SQL.
📄️ Functions
In Jelly SQL functions are used to perform shorthand operations on elements. Functions are used to target specific elements or to perform operations on the elements that match the query. Functions are not case sensitive.
📄️ Keywords
Keywords are reserved words in the syntax that have special meaning. Keywords are used to define the structure of the query and to specify the elements that should be selected. Keywords are not case sensitive.
📄️ Grouping Expressions
Logical grouping is a way to group multiple conditions together to form a single condition. This is useful when you want to apply the same logical operator to multiple conditions. For example, you can group two conditions together and apply the AND operator to them.
📄️ Operators
Operators are used to perform operations on values in a query. They are used to specify conditions that elements must meet to be selected. When applied to CSS selectors, operators can be used to target elements based on their attributes or properties. Operators are not case sensitive.
📄️ Query Structure
Jelly SQL CSS is a powerful tool that allows you to query the DOM using SQL-like syntax. This page will guide you through the basic structure of a Jelly SQL CSS query.